Sunday, January 29, 2012

Evan is 3, watch out!

My little boy is 3 years old as of January 21st!  Let me tell you though, he almost didn't make it to his 3rd bday due to a MAJOR meltdown the night before...It was a tantrum to end all tantrums.  After I finally got him calmed down (well, I called my hubby and he talked to Evan over the phone and I sat there and prayed that I wouldn't sin in anger), we had a quick bedtime routine and I went down to my room and prayed that this was not an indication of what age 3 was going to look like.  Now, I know this is not a very positive post about my son turning 3, but just wanted to be honest.  I LOVE him, but I do not always like or understand his actions.  I am realizing how bad it hurts when you see your child deliberately sin against you.  It cuts you to the core.  Can you imagine what God must feel when he sees his children deliberately sin over and over again?  I only have one child and it is kills me.  BUT, I have to choose to love him, just like God still loves me even when I mess up time and time again.  I can't love Evan only when he is good (easy to do)and I can't love him because he is good (never going to be perfect).  I am called to love him with the same love God gives us- an everlasting, grace-filled, patient, no strings attached, true love.  Pray I am able to do this as I want him to understand the love of Jesus Christ.

Ok, now that I got that off my chest, here is what is new with my little man lately:
-Still obsessed with Cars movie stuff, he has about every car, both movies, pillows, a couch, stickers, crayons, books, shoes, shirts, and this list could go on and on.
-LOVES books and reading-some of the books we are reading are 50-70 pages long with lots of words on each page and he will sit and listen to every word, you will also find him looking at books on his own-Favorites include Curious George, Clifford, Cars movie, the Bible (we read one story from his Bible before nap and bedtime and he is excited to do this!), Corduroy, and many more.
-New favorite activity-playing games on the IPAD2 we got for Christmas, loves Monkey Preschool Lunchbox, Miss Spider's Tea Party, SuperWhy, and TeachMe Kindergarten
-Loves PE time with daddy (obstacle courses in the basement, random silly exercises)
-Loves learning letters and wants to know how to write them, working on that skill-knows all letters and sounds, knows all his numbers, shapes, colors, you name it! 
-Enjoys helping me cook
-Loves library storytime, Titus Tuesday, community group, and MOPS (time he gets to be with his buddies)
-Best friends are Isaac, Andie, and Solon
-Loves games, favorites are Cars memory game and Candyland
-Likes art projects, but not just randomly coloring, it has to have a purpose
-Is very cautious, a leader, wants to do things on his own after he has been shown how
-Always notices things like a beautiful sky, the other day he said, "it looks like a yogurt sky" because it was very pink :)
-Has a HUGE sensitive heart, doesn't like to see others sad
-Says "good night, I love you, take a good nap, see you in the morning, I love you," when we put him to bed
-Is always teaching his little sister what things are, how to say things, giving her hugs, he also likes to beat up on her a little bit and doesn't like when she plays with some of his toys but overall, he LOVES her and is an awesome big bro
-Loves giving huggers and kissers
-His love language is quality time, when you are with him, he just wants you to be with him and give him your full attention
There is so much more to say about my special little man, but I will leave it at that...I thank God everyday for letting me be his mom, for giving me this great opportunity to watch him grow and learn and change, and for creating him just the way he is.

Happy 3rd bday Evan!

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