Saturday, September 21, 2013

And the POWER is out…

Yes, yes, we have already experienced the joy (struggle) of the electricity just shutting down for an ENTIRE day with no reason, except they just shut it down.  There is no one to call and complain to like in America, there is no one working hard to get it back on, no newscast explaining the reason.  Just off and no idea when it might come back on.  As it is almost summer here in Zambia (opposite seasons from U.S.A.), by mid-morning it gets pretty zesty outside and with no A.C., we were all pretty sweaty and uncomfortable.  But against all these odds, I didn’t feel upset. I didn’t feel stressed.  I didn’t feel mad.  God’s power was alive in me.  I could feel it and I don’t know if I have ever felt this peace before.  You can ask my hubby, having no power for a whole day would normally send me over the edge and I would have a hard time controlling my attitude and my words.
There are a few verses I used in my Titus women’s Bible study group when we studied Peace as a Fruit of the Spirit that came to mind.  It has to do with the Power of Peace only God can give.

John 14:27.
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you. Not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”

Jesus was saying this to His disciples the night before He was going to be put to death.  Talk about a tough circumstance!!!  But He was at peace with it.  Because He is peace and when we know Him as our personal Savior, we have access to His peace.  The world tells us peace can only come when we have it all together, when everything is going our way…well, how often does that happen?  Not often for me and I have a pretty easy life compared to most of the world!!!  Praising God for giving us the Power of His peace DESPITE ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, which people who do not believe can’t even fathom. 

Philippians 4:7
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and mind in Christ Jesus.

His peace will help us.  It will keep us from bad attitudes and harsh words and conflict.  This is a promise He gives us in His word, not just here but other verses tell us this too.  So, why, if we believe in God, do we not always feel this peace?  Because it is still our choice.  God gives us free will.  His peace is there for the taking, but we have to activate it in our hearts.  If you are struggling right now with anything, take it to Him.  Let Him fill you with a peace you won’t even be able to explain.

This is what happened to me this day with no electrical power.  Not every day on our journey so far have I pursued His peace in prayer and it has gotten the best of me.  But this day, it was incredible.  I had a great rest time with my kiddos, some “hot” yoga with the girls, and some bath time fun with headlamps.  It was a long day but a surprisingly good day-thankful even when the power goes out here on earth, God’s power WILL NEVER GO OUT.

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