Saturday, August 2, 2014

Schooling Choice

Evan is starting kindergarten this fall.  Cue the tears.  I know everyone says it, but seriously, it is nuts how quickly this happened.  I am so excited to have made the decision to keep him at home this year and homeschool.  I just wanted to explain our choice and offer my two cents on the whole public school/homeschool debate.  First off, this is our choice for our son and our family for this particular school year.  We prayed about it and know that this is right for him.  I don't mind you asking me to share why we made this decision, but please don't take it then as you should make the same decision.  This is when the trouble starts because comparison and judgement begins.  I do NOT want to be part of that.  Because the thing is there are positives and negatives to both just like anything else in life.  Ultimately, if we fall into the trap of comparison and thinking whatever choice you have made is the only "right" choice, then that means the choice someone else has made is obviously the "wrong" choice.  Whoaaaaa...Who would I be to tell you that you have made the wrong choice?   Even if we are the best of friends, we are not the SAME.  Our children are different. Our family makeups are unique.
The only pieces of advice I could give any family when making the decision to either homeschool, public school, or private school is to: PRAY, talk with your husband, study your children, and get informed on all options.  That's it.  All I got.  Never will you hear me say that one schooling method is the only way.  If you have done those things and made a decision, great.   Like I said above, you get on a slippery slope with judging others and I don't want that.  That causes division among moms-and women don't need anything else to divide them.  I know amazing mothers who choose to send their children to public school, some who choose to send their kids to private school, and some who are homeschooling.  Someone slap me if I ever sound like my child will turn out better than your child because we are homeschooling and you are not.  Ok, enough on that.
So, why are we homeschooling this year?  Simply because we think it is best for this particular child for this particular grade at this particular time in our lives.  We will reevaluate each year. If you want to know more, please ask.  Just know that when I explain, I am not trying to "convince" you that you have to do what I am doing. I am not trying to "shame" you for making a different choice.  I am in no way saying that mine is a superior choice.  :) We are all in this together and ultimately, how we school our children is not that important.  It is how we train our children that is.

Proverbs 22:6
Train up a child in the way he should go,
and when he is old he will not depart from it.

Eternal perspective, that's what it is all about.  

Thanks for reading, and I will post a few of our homeschooling adventures from time to time.  Our family is excited for this year-especially Alea who didn't even like her brother being gone for VBS for 2 and a half hours one night.  :)  

This is the little cutie I get to teach:

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