Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sibling Love

Oh my goodness, it has been a while since I have blogged...It has been just too crazy around here as we decided to finish our basement!  Whoa...what a process.  I will be blogging with pictures soon of how it all went down, but for right now, just wanted to share pictures and updates of my adorable little kiddos!  I have to say I am just loving watching them as brother and sister (most of the time, don't get me wrong, they can get into it about the silliest things), but it is just simply amazing to see the love they have for each other.  When Alea isn't up or is out with daddy or mommy, Evan misses her and wants her around.  He is constantly teaching her and Alea just watches him do things in awe.  They hug all the time randomly and Alea says "nice" after they hug and Evan just thinks that is hilarious.  I am so blessed to be at home watching all of this everyday...I can't imagine missing out on this. Thanks to my hubby for working so hard so I can stay home.  I don't know if I will ever be able to put into words the gratitude I have for this opportunity as I know it isn't possible for everyone.  And I just thank God He gave me Alea when He knew it would be best, not when I thought it would be best.  He knows what He is doing!  :) 
They love to eat breakfast in the same chair every morning, we have had a few spills but they usually do a good job!

They LOVE looking at books together, Evan is "reading" this to her as he has many of her books memorized!

Love how they have the same look on their face! we were goofing around after church!

Valentine's Day photo shoot, oh how I LOVE these two kids and they LOVE each other!

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