Saturday, May 11, 2013

Are you Weary?


This is what I shared at my MOPS meeting this past Friday.  And isn't it the truth?  I don't know a mom who isn't weary at some point in the day or week.  Being a wife and/or mom whether working out of the home or in the home is enough to make anyone extremely tired 99% of the time. (the 1% of energetic time comes immediately after that 1st cup of coffee.-:) )

Last week, I grew weary.  I let my weariness affect my demeanor with my husband and children.  I yelled at my kids, I moped around, I criticized my husband, and was just generally a grump.  Why?
All because I felt like nobody was noticing the GOOD I was doing and so I just didn't feel like doing GOOD anymore.  I felt like I was doing everything and everyone else (my hubs and kids) weren't doing a thing.

It was all about ME.  Why aren't my children listening to me? Why isn't my husband helping me? Why aren't they thanking me?  Why isn't my husband loving me? Why aren't my children obeying me?  And you get the point...don't you?  (Clue-I was being selfish!)

So, what does the Bible say about selfishness?
But if you have bitter jealousy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast and be false to the truth. This is not the wisdom that comes down from above, but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic. For where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there will be disorder and every vile practice. 
James 3:14-16


Do not boast!  You bet I was boasting about all the GOOD I was doing.  Do not be false! You bet I was falsely accusing my husband of doing no GOOD.  
And it goes on to say-this is earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.  Hmmm....pretty sure I don't want to be any of those 3 adjectives.  
And finally, what happens as a result of selfishness?  Disorder and every vile practice.  Yep, pretty much what happened at my house this last week. what is my point? 

Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary in doing GOOD, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.  
I gave up this week.  Flat out.  I wasn't seeing the results I wanted to see and I wasn't getting the responses I wanted to get.  But God says clearly here, we will reap IN DUE SEASON, if we do not give up.  What is due season?  Well, simply put, it is His timing.  Not mine.  For an impatient person like myself, this is tough.  God doesn't say your husband will respond how you want tomorrow, or next month, or even in the next year.  It is all in His timing.  And we will only reap, if and only if, we do not give up on doing GOOD.  So, with renewed strength from my Father's hand, I will press on, I will do the GOOD He has called me to, and wait and trust in Him for the bountiful harvest that is coming because I haven't given up.  

Now, you are probably thinking-GOOD advice. Not sure how to not give up though when it is so frustrating and difficult to keep doing GOOD and not get the results you want.  Well, I am not going to leave you hanging, here's how:
Hebrews 12:3 Consider Him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself, so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted.  
The answer is Jesus.  What if He had chosen not to endure the cross?  That is the most GOOD anyone has ever done and if He would have given up, we would have no promise of heaven today.  He was beaten, scorned, mocked, shamed, and put on a cross.  I doubt anyone of us have been through such opposition.  So, when you think you just can't do it much longer, you just can't keep serving your husband and family, you are just too weary, REMEMBER Jesus.  It says to consider Him.  Plainly speaking, stop having a pity party and ponder how much Jesus went through for you.  Jesus was weary, yet He went on with His good.  So must we.

Wives/Moms: I know you are weary.  Me too.  But claim these verses.  Ask God for His strength.  Many girlfriends of mine and I have discussed how we try to do everything ourselves first before going to our Heavenly Father for help.  We can't be GOOD wives/mom on our own.  But we can with the power of God working in us.  

Praying for myself and all of you as you continue on doing GOOD in your homes!


  1. Great blog post Mandy. Its very well written. Thanks for sharing, can't wait to keep on watching and learning from you. Ana

  2. Great stuff Sis. Love your honesty.
