Friday, December 7, 2012

Thankful Thursday

It is supposed to be Thankful Tuesday, I know, and I didn't have time to post last week...there has just been so much going on!  So get ready, here is a big list that dates back a few weeks since I have been delinquent in posting...

1.  Pumpkin pie with more whipped cream than pumpkin
2.  Turkey leftovers
3.  My mom and all her work to make things my little food allergy guy could eat
4.  The deals we got at Black Friday shopping!  (I was a first timer and was getting boring household stuff, but it was still pretty fun!)
5. Down time to decorate the Christmas tree as a family
6.  Excitement of my kids about putting up Christmas decorations-makes it all worth it
7.  Online shopping
8. Packages on the front porch
9.  One of my four friends who are due with baby girls this month had a healthy little girl (still waiting on the other precious babes)
10.  My bro Josh playing with my littles
11.  My kids have a little cousin they adore and he adores them
12.  Preschool with Ev is still going well
13.  Evan wrote his name perfectly at church the other day-oh these little things just amaze me!
14.  I didn't disappoint the kids at the Awana store the other night (I was in charge of buying the goods and setting them up!)
15.  My awesome small group girls helped me run the Awana store-I couldn't have done it without them!
16.  An amazing message about radical gratitude-we aren't called to be thankful FOR our circumstances,but thankful IN our circumstances
17.  For the smile on my little bro's face when he got to see us all on Skype for Thanksgiving
18.  Our new computer-we finally went to a MAC-our old computer has been biting the dust for a while now...
19.  Alea doing fabulous in her big girl bed
20.  Getting an inhaler for Ev that he can do-so nice, don't have to run home to the nebulizer and immediate relief for him
21.  Warm weather in which to get outside with kiddos
22.  Being able to run outside in shorts in December
23.  Having a workout room in the basement-so convenient with kiddos and cheaper than a gym
24.  Fun deer season weekend at the farm
25.  Old Oma's yummy homemade applesauce
26.  Holiday Popcorn tins
27.  Mickey's cousins and their wives-just love them!
28.  Stocking stuffers from my mother in law
29.  My hubby is such a good, involved dad
30.  Great conversation about marriage with my small group
31.  Sweet, kind fellow MOPS mothers helping me out with something
32.  These little bites of heaven called cake bites that a friend makes!
33.  A new parenting book giving me a fresh perspective
34.  My hubby's kind words
35.  Corny Christmas movies on Netflix
36.  Hot chocolate
37.  Homes of Light-a gathering of women to celebrate the season of Jesus' birth, a devotional and testimony is given, and fun games and delicious treats!
38.  My friend Erin hosted-she is such a good hostess!
39.  God worked in the hearts of women there...
40.  Christmas is here-I just love this time of year-how exciting that is the celebration of when Jesus came to this earth, not because He had to, but because He wanted to, He wanted to demonstrate a love that only He is capable of...and I am sooooo thankful for His love!

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.

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