Thursday, October 11, 2012

I just have to say it...

Big Bird...seriously, who would have thought we would be talking about him as part of a political race? Of course, if I were President Obama, I would want to direct the attention to ANYTHING else besides the debate where I did horribly and the media is happy to oblige to that so there you go...Big Bird and his gang at Sesame Street are headline news. 
Anyways, quickly to my point, as I seriously can't stand politics, but I just feel led to say something about this particular situation.  About a year and 2 months ago, I became a stay at home mom and received my last paycheck.  As my husband and I looked at our financials over the 1st 6 months of me being home, we decided it would be in our best interest to cancel cable...What???  Who does that in this day and age?  Well, we do and several of our friends do as well!  And why is that you might add?  It is not that we are strapped so tight financially we couldn't afford it, we decided our money and time would be better used elsewhere.  To me, our country is in a similar situation, except our country is MORE than strapped financially!  So, not that I agree with Mitt about everything, nor do I disagree with President Obama about everything, for this one, I have to go with Mitt. 
We as a country do have many different rights, but I don't believe right to a television channel is one of them.  Television is a luxury and if you want it, then you should have to pay for it.  So if you love Sesame Street and all the wonderful shows PBS offers then you won't mind paying your hard earned money for it. 
Lastly, for those that want to argue the educational benefit, there has not been ANY research to prove that a television show can enhance a child's academic success in any way.  It is quite the opposite actually, watching television as a child typically means the child will be further behind his or her peers that don't watch tv.   So, believe me, if you want your child to learn the alphabet, numbers, etc., the best thing to do is actually sit down with your child and read to them, sing to them, and play with them.  Quality time with your child doesn't cost a thing and will  be more valuable to them than any show they could ever watch. 
Ok, I said my piece, I feel better getting this off my chest.  Sorry if you don't agree with me. I am not trying to offend anyone and I know there are many other ways to cut the deficit and that this is just a small piece of the puzzle, but I think cutting PBS from getting taxpayers money is a good place to start. 

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