Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thankful Tuesday!

Ok, so this month has been crazy to say the least.  My husband has been gone night and day working for the fire station and for his dad's farm, and when he is home, I am spending time with him and not blogging.  This month has been awesome though and there is so much to be thankful for! 

1.  Harvest is almost over and I will have a husband again very soon.
2.  My hubby gets to do a part time job he loves.
3.  God has come alongside me and given me lots of peace and stamina during this time of Mickey being gone a lot.
4.  My Titus Bible study-I could say this every week as I gain something each time and I get to be around other amazing women and learn from God's Word.
5.  Opportunities like Operation Christmas Child; what a great organization!
6.  My son's imagination!
7.  My daughter's delight in danger or being chased, flipped, anything!
8.  Awesome Francesca Battistelli and Sidewalk Prophets concert with my momma!
9.  Francesca's new Christmas cd, yes, I have already listened to it lots!
10.  Whitey's pumpkin shake, enough said.
11.  My in-laws taking us out to a yummy Japanese steakhouse!
12.  My friend Kayla having me and the kids over for lunch randomly
13.  Sad goodbyes-helps knowing God has great plans for you in Minnesota Sandersons!
14.  Faith back to babysit our kiddos for small group-such a special lady!
15.  2 pairs of shorts @Old Navy for $1.47 each! Love it!
16.  Our computer wasn't totally busted, it was just the power cord, a $10 fix!
17.  Safe travels to the QC and back.
18.  My hubby cleaned while I was gone since some friends were coming for an ice cream party!
19.  I have girlfriends to pray with-such a powerful time.
20.  For the example of Elizabeth in the Bible, she waited over 50 years to have a child, but remained righteous during this trial.

And there you have it, I think it was my only list in October, but November is Thanksgiving, so watch out, lots of thanks coming your way...  Make sure you take this month and focus on being thankful! 

Ephesians 5:4  Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient; but rather giving of thanks.

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