Thursday, July 28, 2011

What Have We Been Up to this Summer?

This summer is flying by in a whirlwind!  I have meant to keep this blog up a lot more regularly and hopefully, I will do a better job now that basketball is almost over...  Coaching high school girls travel bball for Kingdom Hoops has kept me quite busy the last few months!  Between that and having an active two and half year old little boy and a 8 and a half month old baby girl, there hasn't been much computer time.  We have managed to have some fun at the Mall of America and Lake Minnehaha in Minnesota, hanging at the farm for Mickey's bday, Ankeny Summerfest, swim lessons for Ev, Alea learning to crawl, stand up and cruise along furniture, wave, and give kisses, swimming in hotel pools, a cousin's wedding, hanging in the backyard, going to the park, enjoying Chicago and downtown Naperville, and so much more.  Since I am so behind in posting, I am just sending you too look at some pictures if you would like, since there are way too many to fit on here!
 My fave ones are below though: 

Monday, July 4, 2011

Are you CONTENT?

This is the question I constantly ask myself.  A few weeks ago, I got home late from a basketball game I was coaching in Ames and was pretty frustrated with the girls I coach.  I knew I needed to just read God's word so I could turn my thoughts toward Him, instead of earthly worries.  Phillipians 4 is what I happened to open up to and even though I have read this chapter several times, God revealed Himself to me in a new way.  It's funny how a verse can just pop out at you and start to change your life.  Phillipians is written by Paul, who went through some major trials and tribulations to spread the name of Jesus Christ, yet this is a verse he wrote: "Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content."  Wow... this blew me away.  He said this while he was in prison!  I am not content and I am supposedly living the American dream! For as long as I can remember, I have let situations in my life control the level of contentment I have. From things like when the kids don't take a good nap, to when my husband doesn't clean up the house when I have been at work all day, to enduring a year of trying to get pregnant, to losing my van keys at IKEA, to losing a close bball game, to not being happy with how fit I am, to money worries, to schedules, to inlaws, to car accidents, and the list could go on and on!  If something doesn't go how I want it to go, I let it affect me...God wants us to find our contentment in Him, not in situations!  My husband struggles with this as well, but a little differently than me.  He has a tough time finding contentment in the daily life we lead: living in suburbia (in Iowa), being the main provider of our family, raising young children, etc.  I texted him this verse that night and we have been discussing it a lot lately.  I know it will be something we can say to each other when we let life and situations decide our mood and attitude.  A few verses later in Phillippians 4, it says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".  This verse is used many times to help people feel empowered that they can get through something tough and that isn't wrong, but I have learned now that it also means contentment in ANY situation.  If I don't daily look for God and the peace He offers, I will drown in this life.  I don't know how anyone can do it without Him! 
A peaceful moment at Saylorville Lake-easy to be content watching this!
Just thought I would share my thoughts on contentment...take some time to read Phillipians 4.  I know I will need to read it over and over and continue to pray that God will strengthen me to root myself in Him so I can be content in any situation.