Saturday, December 22, 2012

So.........some big news! Read to find out!

How did you like that title???  I love a little suspense.  But to be serious, my husband and I do want to share something really exciting that will be happening in our lives soon.  We are moving to.................
Africa!  Yes, you read that correctly. A little village named Chongwe in Zambia to be exact.  As of August 2013, we will be packing our bags, flying an extremely long flight with two young kiddos, and setting up a home in Zambia for a year.  2 years ago I would have (and actually did tell people that I didn't think I could ever even visit Africa) told you that you were crazy if you think I could handle living in such a different environment.  But of course, those were my thought, concerns, fears, and God is soooooo much bigger than that!
Last summer, something kept happening as I would watch my two beautiful kids play together.  There was something missing, no, not something, somebody...For a while, I couldn't put my finger on it-then an image of a little boy would pop into my mind.  God, are you telling me to have another child now?  I am not ready!  I am finally getting used to having 2!  But as the image became more clear to me, this little boy was not a baby and not white...Yes, I felt God telling me we should adopt a little boy from another country.  As I brought this up to my husband, he was hesitant at first-unsure of whether it was right for us and if he would love this child as his own so I just prayed that his heart would open to the idea...I started doing research and looking at various countries to see which might be the right fit for us and I would just show him what I found once in a while.  Then all of a sudden, he said he wanted to talk one night and proceeded to tell me that he felt like God wanted us to adopt from Zambia-he has been there 3 times and just has a heart and a deep connection to the people there.  You would think I would have been so excited that he finally agreed that we were supposed to adopt?  But there was one little problem-Zambia is one of the most difficult places to adopt from-which I already knew because I had looked it up and read the crazy, lengthy process.  So, then it was time for God to work on my little heart.  One of the requirements to adopt from Zambia is you have to foster the child for a minimum of 3 months!  What???  Zambia doesn't work with any U.S. agencies so you can't get the ball rolling on much of the legal work until you arrive in country.  What???  I am going to need to move there? What???  Sorry, about that, just trying to relay my attitude during that time.  And then my hubby really lowered the boom, "I think we should move there for a year and help the Give Life Project and the Bible college," said Mickey.  Excuse me?  Live in Africa for a year?  Leave my family/friends/church?  Leave my comfy/safe home?  Uproot my children?  Have my life change completely?  But as soon as these questions popped into my head, I heard God's still small voice- "Mandey, you are right. This is crazy. But this is what I am calling you to do-and you can do it-not of your own strength, but Mine."  And just like that, we made this decision to move to Zambia for a year.
1st and foremost, we will be finding our little boy. 2nd, we will be lending a hand to the Give Life Project, a non-profit organization started by some friends.  Mickey will be helping in all sorts of ways: discipleship, farming/agricultural methods that will help Zambians be self-sustaining, medical outreaches, and different construction projects.   I will be helping out by using my education background to help at the primary school Give Life has started and a local preschool.  3rd, we will be helping as needed out at the International Bible College of Zambia which was started by Gospelink, an organization our church supports as well as we support.  Finally, we pray that God will challenge us and grow us a family-that He will mold us and shape us into exactly who He wants us to be.  
So, that's the news!  We plan on updating this blog quite often about the process of international adoption and becoming part-time missionaries.  We have already had some ups and downs...but God is faithful and we have never felt more sure of anything in our lives.  Please pray for us as we begin this most exciting/scary/crazy time of our life!

2 of our favorite verses that encourage us to do what we are doing!
Psalm 82:3 Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and destitute.
James 1:27 Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this, to visit widows and orphans in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.

If you want to visit the sites of the organizations we will be working with, they are here!

Zambian sunset

Zambia Map

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

1.  Alea's nose has stopped running like crazy!
2.  Seeing Ev singing in his Christmas program at church.
3.  Being able to go see Santa at 10 am with no lines!
4.  The free photo and carousel ride at Bass Pro Shops.
5.  My kids both sat on Santa's lap and smiled!
6.  Getting to go to church with my hubby-there is just something about sitting with him and worshiping God together.
7.  For studying Ephesians with our small group.
8.  Chocolate mint cookies-a family favorite.
9.  Fun MOPS night out-cookie exchange.
10.  Snow is coming!
11.  Break from normal pre-K with Ev, doing lots of fun Christmas stuff.
12.  Alea's joy from a certain song on a cd that is on continuous play in our van
13.  I got motivated to work out before kids are up-makes my day a lot easier!
14.  Sub job tomorrow!
15.  Presents are wrapped and ready to go.
16.  Our pastor is going to be teaching through The Story this next year.
17.  Christmas cards from friends and family-love seeing all the beautiful pictures and hearing how the year went.
18.  Time to visit with a good friend and her new baby!
19.  Got to visit my sis in law and her new baby last week-love little Chloe so much already!
20.  God sent His son into this world to save us all-to offer us eternal life in Heaven with Him-after this tragedy in Sandy Hook, I just keep thinking about how ONLY because Jesus entered this world and died a gruesome death for us-that these young children can spend eternity with Him in a place where there is no pain, no tears...thank you Jesus!

"Mary, did you know that your baby boy would save our sons and daughters?"  from the song, Mary, Did you Know?  

Monday, December 17, 2012

Deer Hunting Weekend at the Farm

Every year we head back to my in-laws farm so my husband can enjoy the 1st weekend of deer hunting season with his cousins.  The last two years we have added going to see the Amana Christmas was beautiful again.  Here are some pics of the festivities!
Evan holding his cousin Caden

Oma walking with her 3 grandchildren in Amana

Love this pic of Old Oma with 3 of her great-grandchildren

One of the beautiful trees in the Amana Christmas village

The awesome German windmill (that I am always so scared my children are going to destroy!)

Ev checking things out with Opa

Cute-a Raggedy Anne doll tree

Ev, Alea, and Caden in Santa's sleigh

Love this cheesers smile from Alea!

There is Evan's smile, Caden is still not sure what to think...

They love Oma's Christmas village

Daddy started this  game of rolling them in this old chair 

And Brooke, their older cousin gladly kept pushing them!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Putting up the tree!

We have fun each year decorating our tree the day or a few days after Thanksgiving (depending on Mickey's work schedule).  It was really fun this year as both kids were really interested in actually helping hang all the ornaments!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

1.  Candy canes
2.  Jolly Holiday Lights
3.  A big project is almost wrapped up!
4.  Christmas trees
5.  Gingerbread Lane and Frosty Lane-thanks neighbors!
6.  Christmas specials on tv...
7.  The song Christmas Dreams by Francesca Battistelli
8.  New easy to make Christmas treat-circle pretzels with a Hershey's kiss in the middle!
9.  My mom's foot is healing from surgery
10.  My dad's goofy phone calls
11.  A friend's listening ear
12.  Getting Christmas cards in the mail!
13.  Christmas shopping is done, minus my dad and bro!
14.  How my Titus bible study I am in is changing my life and the life of many women in my church!
15.  Evan's Awana teachers-so kind and caring!
16.  For my kids excitement when the other wakes up and they can play together
17.  My hubby's steady job (even though the schedule and lack of sleep drive us crazy most of the time!)
18.  Alea likes to let me paint her nails
19.  Babies being born! (Kenley, Briella, Chloe, and Hannah!)  Yes, all girls and all healthy and happy! All family and/or good friends...
20.  Jesus' humble birth-He could have made a grand entrance but He didn't...

A prayer for this special time of year:
God, thank you for coming to Earth to offer salvation to all...thank you for living a sinless life, leaving us an example to follow, but giving us grace that we don't deserve when we fail over and over again...thank you for dying on the cross for my sin...your love is perfect and I can't fathom it.  Help me to keep focus on You as so many other things grab for my attention.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Thankful Thursday

It is supposed to be Thankful Tuesday, I know, and I didn't have time to post last week...there has just been so much going on!  So get ready, here is a big list that dates back a few weeks since I have been delinquent in posting...

1.  Pumpkin pie with more whipped cream than pumpkin
2.  Turkey leftovers
3.  My mom and all her work to make things my little food allergy guy could eat
4.  The deals we got at Black Friday shopping!  (I was a first timer and was getting boring household stuff, but it was still pretty fun!)
5. Down time to decorate the Christmas tree as a family
6.  Excitement of my kids about putting up Christmas decorations-makes it all worth it
7.  Online shopping
8. Packages on the front porch
9.  One of my four friends who are due with baby girls this month had a healthy little girl (still waiting on the other precious babes)
10.  My bro Josh playing with my littles
11.  My kids have a little cousin they adore and he adores them
12.  Preschool with Ev is still going well
13.  Evan wrote his name perfectly at church the other day-oh these little things just amaze me!
14.  I didn't disappoint the kids at the Awana store the other night (I was in charge of buying the goods and setting them up!)
15.  My awesome small group girls helped me run the Awana store-I couldn't have done it without them!
16.  An amazing message about radical gratitude-we aren't called to be thankful FOR our circumstances,but thankful IN our circumstances
17.  For the smile on my little bro's face when he got to see us all on Skype for Thanksgiving
18.  Our new computer-we finally went to a MAC-our old computer has been biting the dust for a while now...
19.  Alea doing fabulous in her big girl bed
20.  Getting an inhaler for Ev that he can do-so nice, don't have to run home to the nebulizer and immediate relief for him
21.  Warm weather in which to get outside with kiddos
22.  Being able to run outside in shorts in December
23.  Having a workout room in the basement-so convenient with kiddos and cheaper than a gym
24.  Fun deer season weekend at the farm
25.  Old Oma's yummy homemade applesauce
26.  Holiday Popcorn tins
27.  Mickey's cousins and their wives-just love them!
28.  Stocking stuffers from my mother in law
29.  My hubby is such a good, involved dad
30.  Great conversation about marriage with my small group
31.  Sweet, kind fellow MOPS mothers helping me out with something
32.  These little bites of heaven called cake bites that a friend makes!
33.  A new parenting book giving me a fresh perspective
34.  My hubby's kind words
35.  Corny Christmas movies on Netflix
36.  Hot chocolate
37.  Homes of Light-a gathering of women to celebrate the season of Jesus' birth, a devotional and testimony is given, and fun games and delicious treats!
38.  My friend Erin hosted-she is such a good hostess!
39.  God worked in the hearts of women there...
40.  Christmas is here-I just love this time of year-how exciting that is the celebration of when Jesus came to this earth, not because He had to, but because He wanted to, He wanted to demonstrate a love that only He is capable of...and I am sooooo thankful for His love!

Romans 5:8 But God demonstrated His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.