Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

Didnt post last week I know...that doesn't mean I wasn't thankful, I was just busy getting ready for a garage sale.  I was feeling the itch to declutter and with my parents coming to visit, I knew I would have extra help with the kiddos.  Anyways, here is my list from over the last two weeks...
1.  Curious George, both my kids love that monkey!
2. Subbing for the 1st time went really well!
3. Church picnic fun...
4. My mom always shopping for me! (love my new shoes mom!)
5. Enjoying watching The Help for the second time with my parents...
6. Successful garage sale-decluttered and made a little cash!
7. The birth of Miss Reagan Heilman!  You took your time and made your momma wait but we are so glad you are finally here!
8. Time to exercise.
9. The still dark sky at night
10. Tasty Tacos
11. Seeing previews of the show "Parenthood"-love that show and thought it was canceled but it isn't!
12. Dinner with our friends the Smiths and getting to hear about their time in Zambia
13. My son's squeeze huggers!
14. Meal planning-takes the guesswork out of it for me so I don't get stressed!
15. A friends honesty, love, and support
16.  A dresser bought off Craigslist for cheap and redone by my hubby to be super cute for Aleas room!
17. I get to teach and watch my son in awe as he picks things up so easily
18. Dance parties to "Call Me Maybe"
19.  Digging into God's Word with my small group
20. Complete healing of my husband after a night of prayer (blog post to come!)
Psalm 100:4
Enter into His gates with thanksgiving  and into His courts with praise
Be thankful to Him and bless His name.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thankful Tuesday-on time with 2 hours to spare!

1.  A few days of cooler weather, it felt so good and was much needed!
2.  Pandora-love cleaning while singing along to my favorite worship makes cleaning bearable!
3.  Finally getting to go to our church after being gone for a few weeks.
4.  Moments of brushing Alea's hair...
5.  Getting into the State Fair for FREE in the Nick of Time! :) all my running I do finally paid off!
6.  Kind, fun Sunday school teachers for our kids
7.  Amazing worship time @church, you never know when a song is just going to hit you!
8.  Amazing message on being wise from PJ!  (soooooo needed, I totally failed his wise test!)
9.  Leaders in our church who take the time to shepherd us NOT because they have to, because they genuinely care about the flock
10.  For finding adorable, little, tiny bracelets and neclaces to give to Alea for Christmas @ Target on clearance!
11.  Ev and Alea-their love for each other.
12.  For the crazy/busyness of summer
13.  Possibilities
14.  Hope
15.  Awesome friends who watch our kids in a pinch!
16.  Kind words said about our kids.
17.  Cheap cute scarve @Target
18.  I don't have to report back to school this week, 2nd year of being a stay at home wife/mom!
19.  Along with the last one, my hubby for doing an awesome job of providing for us!
20.  For God supplying our financial needs in ways that are so cool!

1 Chronicles 16:34
O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; for His lovingkindness is everlasting.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Adventureland time!

Last week, we got to go to Adventureland thanks to my generous in-laws!  Mickey's family from Philly was in town because of his grandma (Oma's) 80th bday bash and they have 3 young kids so Adventureland was the place to go.  I know Oma loved having all 6 (well 7, if you count the one in my sister in laws tummy!) of her great grandchildren around her for her bday.  It doesn't happen that often.  And my kids LOVED From the moment we got there, we didn't stop going on rides, they didn't even ask for snack or juice or even lunch!  We had to drag them away for nap, then we had to wake them up because they were sleeping so long and we needed to get back to meet up with the family. Night was the same, ride after ride.  Ev loved the Gallion, I couldn't even believe he went on that thing...They both went on the Log Ride and loved getting soaked.  Alea's favorite was the teacups which made me extremely dizzy! 
I loved being able to watch my kids faces light up in excitement and thrill and I was truly amazed and a little terrified at how brave they were...It reminded me that while it is my job to keep them safe but ultimately there is only so much I can do...they are each their own person and I just have to be consistent in my prayer that God's will be done in their life. 
Here are some pics of my crazy kiddos!
Mickey and Ev on the Gallion-I did put my fut down to Alea going on this, she is so skinny, I thought she might just fly right out!

1st Log ride ever, they loved it!

The and sound

Of course, they chose the fire truck!

Opa and Ev on the bumper cars, Ev loved these even though I don't think Opa did since Ev kept banging into everyone!

We even got Old Oma to ride the log ride with us!

Ferris Wheel!

Raging River-Alea wasn't tall enough for this one so just Daddy and Ev!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Thankful Thursday this week!

So busy the last few days!  It was my hubby's grandmother's 80th birthday party on Sunday and we had a big party for her in Amana where she lives.  We stayed that night at the farm, came home, unpacked, had friends over for dinner, Mickey helped a friend lay some laminate flooring at their new house, then Tuesday, it was on to Adventureland.  Due to the party, there was family in town from Philly and they have 3 kids so we thought they would all have fun at Adventureland.  And they did! kids LOVE rides!  Evan went on the Gallion 5 times with Mick.  Alea loved the teacups.  They both thought the Log Ride was pretty cool since you get soaked!  We stayed until 8:30-I know we are party animals, ha!  Finally, my hubby went back to work yesterday and had to work at the State Fair today as well so I took the kids to meet him down there.  I only did this because I had a free ticket to get in IF I got there before nine...well, I made it at 9:03 and they literally cut if off right after me.  Phew....I think the lady knew I might have a mini-meltdown after sprinting with 2 children to get there. :) 
Anyways, here is what I am thankful for this past week.
1.  Frozen yogurt creations
2.  Girls night out or as we call it "baby sprinkle"
3.  Memories of playing volleyball
4.  Easy, access to water even during one of the worst droughts in history
5.  Iowa summer sunsets
6.  Sunglasses
7.  Our little basement gym
8.  I got to watch all of the gymnastic girls for the Olympics-simply amazing!
9.  My kids weird sense of humors
10.  I get to be with my kids day in, day out
11.  Beautiful stories of real friendship
12.  Friends pregnant bellies (Kristy, you are still cute even though you feel so big!)
13.  Much needed rain
14.  Grilling out
15.  I get to teach my son for his 1st year of pre-K!
16.  Mickey's grandmothers (Oma as we call her) 80th bday
17.  Time with Willie, Wendy, and their 3 beautiful children
18.  Diet root beer
19. My kids love of the rides @ Adventureland, made it so fun and worth the time and effort!
20.  Every single book of the Bible-amazing how I can learn something from each one!
Sunset at Saylorville-ahhhhh...

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ankeny City Play Day

Our town is full of kids...everywhere you look there are children or pregnant women...and I am happy to say that Ankeny provides many fun activities, classes, parks, pools, etc. to keep all the kids entertained.  One really fun event the city puts on in the summer is the Ankeny City Play Day.  They have canoes set up on a pond in Hawkeye Park, dunk tanks, Big Wheel races, and much more.   Evan was able to do much more this year than last year so that made it much more interesting! The highlight of this year was the hose fight with the firefighters.  The Ankeny firefighters let Mickey do it with Ev and he got to spray his friends Kate and Conner-good times.  The pictures below will give you a glimpse of all the fun!
Big Wheel Race-go Ev!

Smoking the ball of the tee-Daddy never looked happier

Daddy and Ev during the hose fight

Alea just wondering around-she was a little young for most of the stuff!

Sack race

Thankful Tuesday...late again!

I know, I know, it is supposed to be Thankful Tuesday and I hardly ever get it posted on Tuesday.  I make my list every week and it is ready, but with a hubby who came home on zero sleep yesterday and 2 young kiddos who don't give me much time to be on a computer, it didn't get done.  Oh well, reminds me of another thing I am grateful for: this stage in my life!  Sometimes I get so frustrated when I don't get MY list done, but someday I will get my list done quickly but I won't have my two little loves around anymore to care for.  I am so thankful for the craziness and busyness of my life! 
On to my list for this week:

1. Peace, strength, energy, and endurance during the Bix 7 Road Race
2.  A much faster time than anticipated for the race!
3.  The feeling I get when I am done running. :)
4.  Seeing family I don't normally see (Uncle Ron, Aunt Janie, and cousin Hannah)
5.  Whitey's chocolate chip cookie dough shake
6.  My kids little legs
7.  Safe travels to the QC
8.  My dad and mom's generosity
9.  Fun times with kids and old friends at my old hangouts (Jungle Bungle and Willow Springs pool)
10. Strong representation of JESUS @ the Olympics with Gabby Douglas and Missy Franklin!
11.  My new comforter set since Ev puked on our old one...ewww...
12.  Sleeping in, thanks Momma!
13.  Our camera
14.  Freshly bathed kiddos
15.  Hubby has a good, steady job
16.  AMAZING, powerful testimonies at small group
17.  A great babysitter who even finds us backups when she is busy!
18.  The Smith's safe travels to Africa
19.  My hubby helps when asked
20.  Jesus loves me, EVEN ME!

2 Corinthians 9:15
Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!