Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Thankful Tuesday!

Ok, so this month has been crazy to say the least.  My husband has been gone night and day working for the fire station and for his dad's farm, and when he is home, I am spending time with him and not blogging.  This month has been awesome though and there is so much to be thankful for! 

1.  Harvest is almost over and I will have a husband again very soon.
2.  My hubby gets to do a part time job he loves.
3.  God has come alongside me and given me lots of peace and stamina during this time of Mickey being gone a lot.
4.  My Titus Bible study-I could say this every week as I gain something each time and I get to be around other amazing women and learn from God's Word.
5.  Opportunities like Operation Christmas Child; what a great organization!
6.  My son's imagination!
7.  My daughter's delight in danger or being chased, flipped, anything!
8.  Awesome Francesca Battistelli and Sidewalk Prophets concert with my momma!
9.  Francesca's new Christmas cd, yes, I have already listened to it lots!
10.  Whitey's pumpkin shake, enough said.
11.  My in-laws taking us out to a yummy Japanese steakhouse!
12.  My friend Kayla having me and the kids over for lunch randomly
13.  Sad goodbyes-helps knowing God has great plans for you in Minnesota Sandersons!
14.  Faith back to babysit our kiddos for small group-such a special lady!
15.  2 pairs of shorts @Old Navy for $1.47 each! Love it!
16.  Our computer wasn't totally busted, it was just the power cord, a $10 fix!
17.  Safe travels to the QC and back.
18.  My hubby cleaned while I was gone since some friends were coming for an ice cream party!
19.  I have girlfriends to pray with-such a powerful time.
20.  For the example of Elizabeth in the Bible, she waited over 50 years to have a child, but remained righteous during this trial.

And there you have it, I think it was my only list in October, but November is Thanksgiving, so watch out, lots of thanks coming your way...  Make sure you take this month and focus on being thankful! 

Ephesians 5:4  Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient; but rather giving of thanks.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thankful Tuesday

1.  Beautiful fall in Iowa
2.  The drive down 8th st. I do about every day with all the old, big trees a variety of fall colors
3.  Pumpkin blizzard from DQ-yummo (and a buy one get one free coupon!)
4.  Lazy pj mornings
5.  My TOMS
6.  Long naptimes lately
7.  Peace during what could be a storm
8.  I am getting to know Stephen and Aby Nelms with the Give Life Project in Zambia-amazing couple!
9. Queen Esther as an example of bravery and finding "favor" with others
10.  This election will be over very soon!
11.  The smell of freshly bathed kiddos
12.  Getting to go to church with my hubby for 3 weeks in a row!
13.  New recipes from my FAVORITE website: Pinterest
14. Feel of lotion on dry hands
15.  My mother in law bought Ev some cool new Nikes!  (and a few clothes for him and my hubby!)
16.  A verse reminding me God will give me all the Power I need to do His work
17.  My brother found a good friend in South Korea
18.  Ev figured out how to write an X after quite the struggle!
19.  Alea's ability to pick up on Evan's memory verses! 
20.  The feeling of God working in me and the freeing feeling of me allowing Him to.

Bonus: As I am writing this, Evan is singing this song, "The Perfect 10" at the top of his lungs while he is supposed to be sleeping, hilarious!  Thankful for my silly little boy!

Colossians 4:2 Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

I just have to say it...

Big Bird...seriously, who would have thought we would be talking about him as part of a political race? Of course, if I were President Obama, I would want to direct the attention to ANYTHING else besides the debate where I did horribly and the media is happy to oblige to that so there you go...Big Bird and his gang at Sesame Street are headline news. 
Anyways, quickly to my point, as I seriously can't stand politics, but I just feel led to say something about this particular situation.  About a year and 2 months ago, I became a stay at home mom and received my last paycheck.  As my husband and I looked at our financials over the 1st 6 months of me being home, we decided it would be in our best interest to cancel cable...What???  Who does that in this day and age?  Well, we do and several of our friends do as well!  And why is that you might add?  It is not that we are strapped so tight financially we couldn't afford it, we decided our money and time would be better used elsewhere.  To me, our country is in a similar situation, except our country is MORE than strapped financially!  So, not that I agree with Mitt about everything, nor do I disagree with President Obama about everything, for this one, I have to go with Mitt. 
We as a country do have many different rights, but I don't believe right to a television channel is one of them.  Television is a luxury and if you want it, then you should have to pay for it.  So if you love Sesame Street and all the wonderful shows PBS offers then you won't mind paying your hard earned money for it. 
Lastly, for those that want to argue the educational benefit, there has not been ANY research to prove that a television show can enhance a child's academic success in any way.  It is quite the opposite actually, watching television as a child typically means the child will be further behind his or her peers that don't watch tv.   So, believe me, if you want your child to learn the alphabet, numbers, etc., the best thing to do is actually sit down with your child and read to them, sing to them, and play with them.  Quality time with your child doesn't cost a thing and will  be more valuable to them than any show they could ever watch. 
Ok, I said my piece, I feel better getting this off my chest.  Sorry if you don't agree with me. I am not trying to offend anyone and I know there are many other ways to cut the deficit and that this is just a small piece of the puzzle, but I think cutting PBS from getting taxpayers money is a good place to start. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Thankful but oh so tired Tuesday...

1. Candy corn (guilty pleasure)
2. My hubs doesn't have Celiac disease...
3. Crops are coming in fast which means I will have a hubby again soon.
4.  I see God working in Evan's life.
5. The awesome Awana teachers who are teaching TRUTH to children every week.
6.  Pre-school @home with Ev is going amazing!
7.  MOPS-time with other moms is so refreshing
8.  Getting to run outside once last week since Mickey was actually home for a few hours!
9.  Mick's safe travels to and from the farm.
10.  An incredibly generous and thoughtful co-worker of Mick's that gave us a bunch of nice toys and clothes for Ev.
11.  A busy, but fun outing to the mall with the Ports (sans husbands)
12.  My lil girl is a tough little cookie-she needs to be with how often she gets hurt!
13.  Lessons God teaches me everyday.
14.  Pumpkin anything...yum!
15.  A perfect, calm, relaxing Sunday
16.  A little time to relax with the hubs and watch a few good shows (The Good Wife and The Mentalist!)
17.  The hubs homemade pizza...mmmm...
18.  Communion time @church-love the time to reflect.
19.  Awesome praise music @church-Go youth band!
20.  An incredibly fun time having some friends over-even though I got to bed entirely too late!  Thanks Erin, Kayla, and Sonya!

Not a verse this week, but a song that has been going through my head lately...

In my life Lord, be glorified, be glorified.
In my life Lord, be glorified today.

I pray that I would always glorify God in all things.  I can't and don't ever want to take credit for anything I do, because it is all HIM.