Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Good Old Iowa State Fair

Yes, we made it to the Fair, the only day it was raining I might add, but we made it.  It just worked out we couldn't go on any of the nice weather days, but we still had a blast!  The highlight was the Little Hands on the Farm, Evan could have done that all day!  He also loved going around and getting "tattooed" in the Varied Industries building.  This is where he got to see Clifford too!  He hammed it up with him and it was hilarious!  Alea didn't care for the fair too much since she was in the stroller most of the time, but I know she will have a great time next year. Mickey and I gained about 5 pounds a piece after eating giant tenderloins, fries, and chocalate chip cookies, (we could literally feel our stomachs expanding with each bite!) but it was sooo worth it! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Music of my Life-"This is the Stuff"

So, lately myself (and my son, much to the dismay of my hubby) have been obsessed with the Francesca Battistelli album "Hundred More Years".  Each and every song speaks to me.  I am going to do a series of blogs about each song on this album and what they are teaching me.  First up, "This is the Stuff"!  Lyrics and thoughts below:

V1: I lost my keys in the great unknown
And call me please 'Cuz I can't find my phone

This is the stuff that drives me crazy
This is the stuff that's getting to me lately
In the middle of my little mess
I forget how big I'm blessed
This is the stuff that gets under my skin
But I gotta trust You know exactly what You're doing
It might not be what I would choose
But this is the stuff You use
V2: 45 in a 35
Sirens and fines while I'm running behind

So break me of impatience
Conquer my frustrations
I've got a new appreciation
It's not the end of the world
Oh Oh Oh

Simple song, right?  But it packs a powerful punch for me...1st of all the first two lines are soooo me since I hit motherhood.  I used to know where everything was and where I was supposed to be!  And I really did lose my keys in IKEA of all places, never to be found again.  I have NO CLUE where I lost them or how, didn't even know it until I went to leave!  I can never find my phone or it is always on silent so it doesn't wake kids up, so I never know that people call...I have such a mommy brain!
Ok, on to more serious stuff, I love the chorus of this song, the part that is bolded.  Wow!  I am guilty of letting the little stuff get under my skin instead of focusing on how blessed I am.  For example, my kids have been ruthless this summer with waking up early.  At least one of my children gets up between 5 and 6 every morning!  I'm sorry, but that is too early to start the day!  At the same time though, I should not be upset about this.  At least I have two beautiful, healthy, growing, happy children to wake me up every day.  Getting up that early is definitley not what I would choose, but it is what God has for me right now.  I am definitely growing spiritually because of it too- I pray more (for patience mostly), I am learning to practice God's grace more, and I am committed to loving my children even when they are not being very lovable!
The other part of this song that hits the nail right on the head for me is the little hook about it not being the end of the world.  Seriously, kids getting up early is not that big of a deal in the grand scheme of life. And neither are the other little "messes" I have during the day. 
So, how can you apply this?  Think about your day and the stuff that drove you crazy.  What do you think God is teaching you in those moments?  
Below: an updated picture of my little darlings that wake me up so kindly every morning!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Smores and Cupcakes

As most of you know, my son Evan is allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and fish.  I know, it is not fun!  But we make do and we are finding some treats he can have and ways we can make treats so he can have some.  For the most part, I don't encourage sugary treats, but c'mon, I gotta let my kids have something fun to eat once in a while!  So, we made Smores on the grill the other night and Ev, of course, loved them!  Believe it or not, he can have the 3 main Smores ingredients!  Also, we have found you can replace the eggs in cake mix with a can of pop (light colored pops for light cakes, dark colored pop for chocolate cakes), so we made cupcakes tonight to honor of one of his favorite books: "If you Give a Cat a Cupcake..."  Pics are below!  (Daddy even snuck Alea a few bites of cupcake, her first taste of sugary goodness!)  Notice we ate outside and for the most part, without shirts on!  :)