Saturday, September 29, 2012

Makes my heart smile...

So....being a mommy is tough work.  There are days when I feel like I am completely failing and moments where I just want to scream.  I'm sure none of you moms can relate, right? Haha... These are the times when I really have to pray, read the Bible for wisdom, and ask others for encouragement.  And thanks to my Heavenly Father, there are those moments that remind me all this hard work is worth it.  Here are just a few snippets of conversations with Evan this past week:
In the van: Alea says"it's sunny! I don't like the sun!". Evan responds,"Alea, mommy can't do anything about the sun, only God controls the sun, you have to ask Him for help." Alea responds back, "no!" Evan replies, "yes, Alea, don't you know God has the whole world in His hands?" Alea calms down and says, "yes."
On the stairs: Alea is complaining about her owie on her hand. Ev says,"let's just pray for Alea's hand right here on the stairs. Dear God, please help Alea's hand.  It is really hurting her. Amen."
In the van again on a trip home from the mall where another little girl bit Alea pretty hard on the hand: Alea says,"that girl bit me!" Evan says back to her, "yes, Alea, and that was wrong. God tells us not to hurt others.  Are you ok?". Alea says, "yes, buddy, I ok."

So thankful for these times when you see the difficult task of training your children reaping positive rewards.  Reminds me of a verse we talked about at my Bible study the other day.

Galations 6:9

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time, we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.

1 comment:

  1. That verse so ties in to mothering! :) I love hearing those things from my kids' mouth too. So sweet.
