Friday, June 24, 2011

A Belated Father's Day Tribute

Daddy the jungle gym

So...I am a little behind on getting this posted, but our computer got a virus after trying to use internet in a hotel last weekend!  We got it all taken care of so now we are up and running!  I just wanted to share a little bit about the "fathers" in my life-the father of my children-my hubby Mickey, my father-Rick Evans, and my father in law-Fritz Kinzenbaw.

Loving on his little girl

Top 5 Reasons my hubby is an amazing father:
1.  He loves to teach our kids things and wants to give them great experiences.  Evan knows so much already because of daddy! (at 18 months, Evan could name and point to about 25 states on a map!)
2.  He is an excellent disciplinarian-he expects our children to listen and obey and enforces rules.  He does this out of tremendous love and hope for them. 
3.  He changes diapers, potty trains, makes baby food, cleans up puke and spit up, puts car seats in cars, adjusts the crib, puts batteries in toys, and a million other little things that help me out so much!
4.  He is awesome at the "physical" side of raising a boy-wrestling with Evan, taking him on hikes, running around the house with him, teaching him how to play sports,etc- while at the same time being awesome at the "emotional" side as well- reading to him, carrying him when he is tired, caring for him when he is sick, etc.
5.  He is a godly man who so badly wants our children to know God and live a passionate, servanthood life for Him.  He doesn't want to just tell his children to do it, he wants to do it and lead by example.  He knows that the best thing he can do for them is to know God, love Him, and serve Him. 
I love him so much and my kids couldn't have a better daddy!   

Taking Evan canoeing

Top 5 Reasons my dad is an amazing father:
1.  He would drive all over the place (such as the northern tip of Minnesota and the middle of nowhere in Nebraska) to see me play basketball.
2.  He took his family to church every Sunday, prayed for us and with us, led us in devotions, and tried his best to set a godly example.  (he still does this!)
3.  He loves ice cream and passed on that love to me and he loves a good chick flick and will watch with me. and my mom :) 
4.  During a time of great disappointment for him when he had to pick me up from a high school football game because I had been drinking, he still forgave me, loved me, and gave me the grace I needed, but most definitely did not deserve.
5.  He cared enough about me to scrutinize every guy I ever dated (at the time I found it annoying), but now I know exactly why he did it and I am so grateful.

And a quick shout-out to my father in law-he is an amazing father because he is extremely generous (I have never known someone to be so giving and selfless) and he raised a wonderful son by teaching him loyalty and the importance of family.  I am blessed to have in as my father in law! 

Fritz and his daughter Cari

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