Thursday, March 13, 2014

Thoughtful Thursday-Suffering

I am going to try each week and post something that God is having me ponder-hoping you will join me with an open mind and take a moment out of your busy day to really think.  I know many of you are saying to yourself right now, just sit and think???  Who does that anymore?  If I have a spare moment, I am going to get on Facebook/Twitter/Instagram/Google, or work out, or watch tv, or read a magazine, call a friend, make dinner, and this list could go on and on.  But maybe, just maybe, you could find a few minutes on Thursdays to read this post and take a moment and ponder with me.  

Today, I am thinking about the cause of suffering.  Why our lives take sudden downward spirals sometimes.  Why bad things happen. might say.  That's pretty heavy,  And no, I am not going to go super in depth on these questions today and actually, it is pretty simple when you think about it from God's eyes, but I just want to touch on what I have been learning about this subject in the particular case of Paul and Jonah from the Bible.  I have been reading about the life of Paul, the greatest missionary of the New Testament, in the book "To Live is Christ" by Beth Moore.  Man, did this guy go through a lot in his life time.  After his conversion to total faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God, he went as many places as he could to boldly proclaim this message.  Just like now, not everyone wanted to hear this good news.  He was beaten, thrown in jail, shipwrecked, ridiculed, and stoned for his faith.  Yet, he pressed on.  He didn't care what it took, he wanted to spread the truth of Jesus to all.  Now, you may not know much else about Paul except for what I just told you, but for purposes today, I want to look at just one aspect of him.  His obedience.  When God told him to go, he went.  When God told him to stay, he stayed.   At one point, God told him to go to Jerusalem, not exactly a friendly place for a Jewish Christian at this time, but He knew better than to disobey God's command. He quickly got arrested there and sent on to Rome.  On the boat ride there, a massive storm struck.  They were shipwrecked and eventually found their way to the island of Malta after several stomach churning days on the sea. 
Now, let's look at Jonah.  Jonah was a prophet in the Old Testament.  God asked him to go to Ninevah to bring people back to God.  Jonah quickly took a boat in the opposite direction because he was scared to go to Ninevah. He chose to disobey.  Because of this God caused a great storm and eventually a big fish to swallow up Jonah for a few days. 

Both men suffered, yes? Actually, they suffered in very similar ways.  But the major difference is Paul was obedient and Jonah wasn't obedient.  Wait a minute, you mean obedience to God doesn't guarantee us a storm free life?????  Nope!   (Hate to break that news to you prosperity gospel. :-) )  

This all brings me to the few thoughts that popped into my head after reading about these 2 men.  

First, the comparison of these two men showed me that God loves us no matter what.  He delivered both of these men from their storm, whether or not they were obedient to His calling. That's pretty cool, as we are not perfect and not always obedient to what He wants us to do.  It is pretty comforting to know that His love is unconditional.  He did not give Jonah what he "deserved", but gave him another chance.  
Second, our behavior as followers of Christ is crucial during a trial. Jonah did not use his trial (during the trial) for good.  He slept during the storm and when he realized it was probably his fault, he said, "pick me up and throw me out into the sea...I know it is my fault."  His attitude was poor me.  Paul, on the other hand, demonstrated such faithfulness and obedience to God, that God sent an angel to him letting him know that God would save him and all aboard.  He was actually an encouragement to others aboard-kind of funny since technically he was a prisoner being transported on this ship.  When they finally washed up on an island, they were greeted with love and hospitality.  They even spent 3 months there, where Paul was able to preach and teach about our Savior.  As you can see, Jonah's attitude did not bring people to Him.  How many times have you done the poor me thing?  I know I have been there many times, rather recently too!  And it is a terrible witness.  But the way Paul endured the trial, with trust and peace, this brought people's attention to God, which is always a good thing.  Am I right? Our attitudes as believers during a trial can make or break our witness for Him.   
3rd, I thought about why God did all of this.  The answer is pretty simple.  He wanted His will done.  God wanted Jonah to realize His disobedience and trust that God's plans are always the best, even when they are scary or tough.  God wanted the people aboard the ship with Paul to experience what it was like to be saved by God, and he wanted a little, unreached island to know about Him too. 

So, I will end with this.  Suffering is not fun.  You better believe Paul and Jonah did not enjoy the trials they had to endure.  Just like our trials are awful and heart breaking and scary and tough and unenjoyable. When we are in the trial, it is really difficult sometimes to understand God's purposes.  I can say though looking back at the trials I have been through in my life, that God has used every single one for a purpose.  Not one single trial was God punishing me or for no rhyme or reason.  God is good, He would never do that.  But He does HAVE to allow trials in our life at times for the sole purpose of bringing people close to Him.  Whether it is just us he wants close as in Jonah's case, or in Paul's case, a whole boat full of people and an island, He LOVES us all so much that He will do whatever it takes. And I don't know about you, but suffering is worth it if it brings me to a closer relationship with Him or if it brings someone else to know Him as their Savior.  

He is worth it all.  And we are worth it all to Him.

James 1:12
Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which [the Lord] has promised to those who love Him.

1 Peter 4:12
Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery ordeal among you, which comes upon you for your testing, as though some strange thing were happening to you;

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