Thursday, September 4, 2014

AgriHope-Here we Go!!! Join us!

Woohoo!!! 501C3 tax status for AgriHope confirmed.  Super excited and surprised our government came through with this so quickly.  You might be asking yourself, what does that even mean?  Well, for a non-profit to be able to give tax deductions for any donations given, we needed this tax i.d. number.  This means we can start raising funds and you can get a tax-deductible receipt! It is the little things that get me excited. :) So, now, why should you choose to give AgriHope money? What will we do with the money?  This post is designed to answer those questions in a brief way.

1st question, why should you give? Because your money can make a monumental difference in the war on hunger. It really can.  Have you ever been hungry?  If you are even thinking about saying, yes, stop right there.  We are not talking about the pang you may feel if you didn't get lunch at your usual time. The type of hunger we are referring to here is the type that causes: inability to concentrate, no energy, extremely susceptible to illness, and no desire or motivation to do anything, loss of all hope.  Most of the people we worked with in Zambia that will be receiving our help through these funds have this type of hunger.  *There were kids that were 10 years old that weighed the same as my 5 year old son.* I don't know about you, but that is not okay with me.  These kids have no energy to learn.  And the cycle of poverty continues.  Our organization is going to combat this problem in a new, more efficient, and more sustainable way. We stand against poverty, hunger, and also charity/aid. We are for development, discipleship, responsibility and sustainability. The problem is real folks.  I know before I left for Africa, it seemed just so impossible that people actually die from hunger or hunger related causes, but it actually happens.  How can we let this happen, especially as we live in the land of the plenty?  We can't, and you can help and we need your help. 

2nd question, what will your money be used for?
It's a fair question to ask of anyone asking you for money. People are worried some executive from America will be getting all the money (that definitely isn't happening-ha!), or it isn’t being spent on what it was intended, or that the kids they are supposed to benefit don’t even exist. These are all logical questions. So we wanted to tell you exactly where and how the money will be spent.

We have 3 major areas of expenses right now: Supplies, L
ogistics, and Salaries. 
Supplies include things like seed, fertilizer, fencing, concrete, spray, tools, food, etc. to make our program work. These are essentially the nuts and bolts of what we do. Its the same type of stuff that a farmer buys to make his farm work.
Logistics include things like fuel, insurance, fixing our old vehicle, and flights to make sure things are going smoothly. This is sort of the grease that helps everything run smoothy. It helps us to get where we need to be, when we need to be there.
Salaries include paying Chimbaza Mbewe his modest salary, getting him some training, and making sure he has the ability to communicate with a phone and computer. Chimbaza is paid poorly, something we want to change soon. He has been willing to sacrifice his comforts while we have a shoestring budget to make an impact in the world. We currently take no salary in the USA. It is all volunteer.

Our budget is streamlined and our work is effective. We work hard to stretch the resources given to us.
We have figured all this will cost around $24,000 per year. Any more that we get will help us to reach more schools and more people with the Farming God's way technology and the message of hope.  Hope for this life and the next. And truth be told, we thought about staying there more long term but in the end, we want every dime to go towards the problem of hunger right now and we feel confident we have a worker right now that can do the work that needs to be done.   Please think about it, pray about it, ask us questions about it, let us know if there is a church or group we can come speak to, or if you have an idea for how we can fundraise, please let us know.  Lastly, just know that with every dollar you give, we can run feeding programs in 2 schools(hundreds of kids getting a meal every day as well as learning the farming practices to bring to their fields at home), train the students and people in surrounding areas how to farm better, work to eradicate malaria in rural areas, improve school attendance, improve education quality in these schools, disciple and equip the next generation of leaders, and restore hope to thousands. We hope you will join us in this awesome work!!!  

Here is the link to donate-every bit helps, there is no amount to small.  Help us reach our goal of $24,000!
Give Donations Here!!!

And if you haven't liked our Facebook page, please do!  This will keep you in the loop of all the latest from AgriHope!

Mickey and Mandey Kinzenbaw

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