Wednesday, January 21, 2015

I Get To Be This Boys Mom

The title of this blog is about my son Evan and it is how I feel.  He turns 6 tomorrow.  I don't ever stop thanking God for allowing me to be his mom-for giving me 6 full years with him and hopefully, many more years to come.  I was having a conversation the other day with someone about sons and daughters.  We were discussing how fun it is to have a daughter, because you get to do girly things and have that special connection.  But when the conversation turned to our sons, all we could say was there is just something about a son that just tugs at a momma's heart strings.  This boy has my heart and I am glad I don't have to share him yet.  Even as I write this tonight, he is calling me from bed.  I went up and said, "what do you need?"  He responds, "well, I just love you."  I said, "I know you do bud, but I love you more."  His response, "No, because I love you more than earth, space, heaven, everything counts, so that means more".  Melt my heart.  You better believe I am holding onto these years where I am the apple of his eye and somehow the one he is going to marry. Haha…
Anyways, here is a bit about my lil guy.  He is a reader.  Wow.  Reminds me of myself as a kid as he can frequently be found with a book and wants to check out a hundred books from the library and when we get home, he sits for hours and reads them all.  He is a great eater-loves tacos, pizza, broccoli, mandarin oranges, ice cream, smoothies, pears.  Such a trooper about all his food allergies-I don't know how he does it.  I think I would complain if I were him, but he just goes along with it.  We are praying one day he will grow out of most, if not all of them!  He has the best laugh in the world.  Most people know it is him even when he is not in the room. Loves Wild Kratts.  Possibly even a little bit obsessed.  (He is learning so much though and knows about animals I have never heard of!)  The kid would be obsessed with video games if we would ever let him play anything-but we just haven't allowed too much since he is a kid that can get into a zone and lose touch with reality.  (So we are not against video games, we just feel it is best for this particular child right now!)  He is a great big brother who takes care of Alea with so much love.  He is also quite the boss of her, but for the most part, looks out for her best interest.  He has been in a kindergarten boy gymnastics class this year and has gotten so strong.  I love watching him learn all the different skills and challenge himself.  We are homeschooling this year, and not lying, he is a terrific student.  We don't have many arguments and his favorite part of the day is Bible time.  The only book that truly captivates him.  Love it.  He likes to wrestle with daddy, but runs to me when eventually he gets hurt.  A busy boy-is happiest when we have things going on and full schedules.  Has a heart that beats strongly for others, likes to make others happy, and will be the first to check on a friend if they are hurt or left out.  Enjoys movies.  Favorite things to play are Legos, Magnatiles, Pokemon, board games, and with his sets of different animal figurines.  Loves the snow and being outside in general.  It was hard to ever get him to come inside when living in Africa.  I could keep going, but suffice to say he is a special dude.  How I get to be his mom, I don't know, but I will take it.  Here are a few pics of Ev-from little babe tip now:

Baby boy
Loved that tiny little snowsuit!
Almost 2 years old.

MagnaTiles creation

Finished his first kindergarten math book!

Snow time!

Oreo Ice Cream cake with grandparents!

And there you have it, a little glimpse into the boy I get to raise…excited to celebrate him tomorrow!!!


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