Saturday, March 9, 2013

I took the Dr. Oz challenge!!!

Oh my goodness, I am so glad it is Saturday and I can eat some food.  Like crunch down, chew, and savor some tasty morsels...:)  The reason why I am so excited is I spent the last 3 days literally choking down some not so delicious but oh so good for you smoothies for the Dr. Oz 3 day cleanse.
Why did I do this you ask?  I know, I know...I exercise and eat pretty healthy already.  But for the last month or so, I just felt yucky.  My stomach was always hurting, I was tired, and my body felt old. (guess that could be because I am turning 30 in a few weeks, ouch!)  So this was the number one reason I thought I would try a cleanse-to get rid of all the nastys in my body.  Number 2 was because I like a challenge.  Being a former athlete, I miss competition and trying to do something really tough.  This definitely hit the mark as I typically don't deprive myself.  I am an "everything is ok in moderation" type girl.  So, there you have it, my reasoning behind the madness.  Now here is my quick review and synopsis of how it went down:
This is the website where I got my shopping list and menu.  I like that I could print out one sheet and it was all right there and most of the items I was easily able to find at Hyvee.

I will say that if you know of someone with coconut oil or almond butter, or cayenne pepper, just ask if you can borrow a little bit, because you don't need that much and it is EXPENSIVE!  I had a wonderful friend who gave me some coconut oil and I just bought a little sampler of almond butter for $1.25 and it was enough so I saved some moola there. :)  I also bought mostly frozen fruit as it is winter in Iowa right now and there aren't too many deals to be had on fresh fruit.  It worked just as well!  Actually easier, since you don't have to wash and chop!
Smoothie reviews: None were very good if I am being honest, but maybe that is just my sweet tooth talking. haha...  The lunch one is a green monster and it would take me about 3 hours to get it down.  The dinner one calls for cayenne pepper and let me just say, I did it the 1st night and I had to literally chase every sip with a drink of ice cold water.  It just burned going down my throat.  Not fun.  So, I took it out the next two nights...I just knew I wouldn't be able to do it!  So, if you try it, put the tiniest amount in and see if you can handle it...maybe you are braver than me!  I will say about all of them though, that there was something really cool about putting all fresh, whole foods into my body.  Even though they tasted bad, my body definitely like them.
On to how I felt during the 3 days...the 1st day I was very optimistic and didn't have too many problems.  Except for having to prepare foods for my kids still.  That.Just.Wasn't.Fair.  Oh and the lack of getting to have my 2-3 cups of coffee was the worst.  Bring on the no-caffeine headache.  Pretty brutal and made me realize how addicted I am to that! The second day was miserable...I was exhausted, stomach was growling, and I didn't want to endure the same 3 gross smoothies again.  So, in my husband's words, I was a CRAB!  But after a good night's sleep, I slept like a baby all 3 nights, I was upon my last day.  It was easy to get excited knowing I could eat the next day, so I felt like a whole new person.  I felt lighter, skin felt smoother, hair was shinier, no bloating tummy, etc.  It was a good day (minus the morning at MOPS where I couldn't eat any of the wonderful goodies-bummer).  Couldn't wait to wake up in the morning and eat...was planning my breakfast all night long!
What will I take away from this?  A few things...we really can do anything we set our minds to. I was determined to accomplish this and I am a perfectionist so there was no cheating.  It felt really good to set a goal, stick to it, and finish it to the end.  Second, I got so bored eating the same things for 3 days...but what do most people around the world do?  Eat the same thing everyday and it isn't as healthy or tasty as what I was drinking for 3 days.  It made me think about how good I have it.  I am so blessed even though I am no better than the Zambian woman sitting there eating nshima for every meal.  I am glad God used this to help me identify even just a little with what they go through.  (I know it isn't the same, just a little taste!)  Last, I am excited to change my eating habits to be even better than what they are now...I am usually pretty good, but I am going to focus on really making sure I (and my family) are eating WHOLE FOODS most of the time.  Real, honest to goodness food, not food with all the added junk.  And I am going to focus on eating less.  I learned that I really don't need that much to be full and content.
All in all, it was a tough 3 days-glad it was only 3- and I am glad I did it.  My kids are glad that it's over since mommy gets to have her coffee in the morning. :-) Should you do it?  Well, that's up to you!  There are some positives and negatives to everything-just think about if it is right for you!

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