Sunday, March 31, 2013

Melt this momma's heart

So....I just have to share what happened at bedtime tonight-too precious to forget as time charges on.  Every night for bed time, I read a book and Bible story to Evan.  Right now, we are working our way through The Story for Pre-schoolers.  It is a Biblical narrative that covers all major sections of Scripture always weaving in how it all relates to what Jesus is coming to do on the cross.  We had just finished our story, which was the famous David and Goliath battle.  A favorite of my son's of course!  But as always, I previewed what would be coming up tomorrow.  The next story was to be about how David is going to choose to sin...which if you don't know, David decides to fall in love with someone else's wife and he even goes as far as to secretly have the husband killed in battle just so he can have her.  Pretty scandalous, huh?  I was explaining part of this to Ev, about how it is wrong for David to love someone else's wife.  I pointed to my wedding rings and told him about how when I put these on and when Daddy put his on, we promised to only love each other for the rest of our lives.  Here comes the truly sweet part, a moment I will treasure forever.  I told him that someday he would ask a girl to marry him and that he would need to only love her the rest of his life.  He says, "Mommy?"  "Yes?" I say.  And in the softest, most sincere voice, "Can I still love you though?"  (Pause while I choke up again) "Yes, buddy, you can still love your mommy, that is a different kind of love."

Here are some pictures of my little boy who melts my heart with his sweet words.

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