Thursday, November 13, 2014

Everything I Never Knew I Always Wanted

Everything I never knew I always wanted in a daughter is exactly what God gave me in my Alea.  She turned 4 today and I want time to stop.  Like freeze, don't let her grow anymore or change, please!!! She is actually saying now that she doesn't want to turn 4 because I think she has heard me say so many times, "Wam I going to do when you turn 4?" and "Can you please just stay little forever?"  Don't get me wrong, she still wants a birthday complete with presents and cake, just doesn't want to be 4 and big.  I wonder if I should go with her logic and tell her it is okay to do this.  :)
I think back to when I found out I was pregnant with her and to be honest, I was not thrilled about it.  I had a one year old and was working and getting my masters and she was just plain not part of my plan. Wow, am I thankful life did not work out the way I planned, but rather God's plan.  He lavished upon me this gift of a daughter.  She brings me such pure happiness and adds this fun, crazy element to our family that was needed by all of us.  I kept thinking about how to describe her to those who don't know her well or see her much, and it is honestly hard to put into words.  She fits in no box.  I about died of embarrassment the other day when her gymnastics teacher asked me after class, "Does she have hearing problems?"  I said "No, she really doesn't and I am sorry that you have to say her name 10 times to get her attention.  She is not being rude, she is just in her own little world."  Haha...  Mickey and I will try to talk with her at the dinner table and then we will look at each other and just say, where is she right now?  But here is the craziest thing about her-when you least expect it, you better believe she is listening and taking it in.  She will tell me facts about a story that I was working on with Ev while she is playing iPad or I will be talking to my mom on the phone and she is playing with Ev and she will ask me about something I said later.  Seriously freaks me out sometimes and I am learning to be careful what I talk about whenever she is around!  This girls' heart beats deeply for others.  Like does not want anyone to be sad and will do anything to make them feel better.  She is also a little momma-always has a baby doll with her.  Very into coloring right now as she has figured out how to draw people and balloons. She loves her hot pink blanket, really the only thing she has to sleep with.  Adores her big brother, does not like when he is gone at all.  Loves Wild Kratts.  Has great ability to build in a logical way.  Would sleep in as she takes a while to go to bed at night, but big bro doesn't really allow that.  Scared of the dark.  Hates being cold. Loves cheese, bread, and sweets.  And I could go on and on-she has so many little quirks and is definitely her own little person with her own ideas!
We are excited to see what this age will bring, but not sure if anything will top her 3 year old year...not too many 4 year olds can say they have lived on a different continent, been on an African safari, seen one of the 7 natural wonders of the world, made her national television debut, and visited two other continents besides Africa! (Europe and Asia)  No matter what life brings this year though, every day is fun, exciting, and beautiful with her.  I am praising God for her today and everyday.
What a pose...

Don't want to smile anymore for pictures Mom.

Loves flying in the air with Daddy.

This was supposed to be a sweet kiss but she went full open mouth and surprised Daddy.

Sweetie pie.

Good-bye 3 year old Alea!  How will you change in this next year???

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